The Holiness of God
God commanded His people to be holy as much as seven times in Leviticus, simply because He is holy.God is Holy.
He, who called you, is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy. (1 Peter 1:15-16)
May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones. (1 Thessalonians 3:13)
For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. (1 Thessalonians 4:7)
The one, who calls you, is trustworthy, and he will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
What is Holiness?
To be holy, you need to have a knowledge of God's holiness.Understand that knowledge by taking the time to let the holiness of God shine on you.
Connect with Him and Surrender yourself under His guidance to have a thorough understanding of His extraordinary wisdom.
Take the time to be under the power of the glory of His holiness so that God can reveal Himself to you.
Have your solitude with God, to recognize His holiness, and fall under its influence and power.
The holiness of God is the highest, most popular and most comprehensive of all the attributes of God. It is the most complex expression in the Bible.
Isaiah heard the seraphs with masked faces cry out: "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts. "(Isaiah 6:3)
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. (Revelations 4:8)Holy is the highest expression of God's glory in heaven.
This is a statement by beings who live in God's essential spirit who bow down before him.
No one becomes holy by merely thinking, reading, or bearing the holiness of God.
It is a blessing to be alone with God and to be able to pray to Him that He will reveal His holiness letting it shine more and more into our hearts and that we may become blameless.
It is a shame to not pray and making it impossible for God bestow his holiness.
Seek God fervently for His forgiveness for this sin, that He may draw you by his divine grace, and strengthen you to have fellowship with Him - the Holy God.
The holiness of God is not clearly expressed.
His Holiness involves His vile hatred and contempt with which He regards sin.
He preferred to see His Son die than to let sin exist. The Son of God gave up his life instead of allowing the least matter against the will of the Father. God detests sin that he preferred to die rather than let men be held in its power.
The holiness of God is an oath that He will do everything for you and me, to deliver us from evil. The Holy Spirit came down as fire because holiness is the spirit of God that will destroy sin in us and give us holy sacrifices, which are clean and acceptable.
The Spirit of God's holiness is the Spirit of sanctification in us.
Think of the holiness of God.
Be humble before Him until your heart is so sure of what the holy one will do for you.
Read and reread the words of God on this great truth until your heart is brought under the conviction that it is the glory of the inner bedroom, to communicate with God the Holy one.
Bow down in deep humility and shame before him, for despising him and his love, through prayerlessness. And receive the promise that he will also lead you into fellowship with Himself.
A person who is not often and long alone with God does not have a right to expect seeing and experiencing the holiness of God.
The holiness of God is the presence of the unspeakable immediacy in which His love longs to hold fellowship with you and dwell in you despite the indescribable length by which He in his righteousness is divided from us.
Bow in humble reverence, as you think of the immeasurable distance between God and yourself. Bow in childlike confidence with the unutterable courage of His love which longs to be united with you in the deepest intimacy.
Reckon most confidently on him to reveal something of His holiness to your soul, which thirsts after him!
Wait upon him and be still before him!
The two sides of the holiness of God are united in the cross.
1. The hatred and wrath of God against sin was so intense that Jesus was left in the thick darkness when sin was laid upon him because God had to hide his face from him.
2. The love of God toward us is so intense that He did not spare even his Son but gave him over to unutterable sufferings, because He wanted to be united with us. He could receive us, in union with Christ, into his holiness.
It was of this pain that our Lord Jesus said:
For them, I sanctify myself, that they also may be truly sanctified. (John 17:19)
Therefore, Jesus is our sanctification, and we are sanctified in him.
Do not belittle the grace that you have.
Our Holy God longs to make you holy.
Do not think little of the voice of God which calls you to make time for Him, so that he can lay His holiness on you.
Receive Our Holy God.
Any inconvenience is definitely worth it!
Its reward is sure and abundant.
You will learn to hate sin, and consider it as anathematized and subdued.
Your new nature will give you a dislike of sin.
Jesus, our Holy God, will, be our strength and influence!
Accept the promise, that God Himself made. God will deliver you through and through. May your undivided body, soul, and spirit be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He, who calls you, is faithful, and he will make it . (Thessalonians 5:23-24)