What for me is a good day?
Is it the time I served?
Are these the times that I have avoided doing things that
displease God?
Is it when I have faithfully done my duties?
Or have been a
faithful steward?
The best days of my life are everyday.
These are the days that I realize that each day is a gift from
My joyous days are the days that I am fully aware that each day is
a grace...
A life that I do not deserve and can never ever earn on my own...
A love that I am generously bestowed, though I am never
My life is not my own
Everything is His goodness and grace...
Every breath that I take is a gift of God... To be able to walk is
his grace...
To taste a food is a blessing... and each time it gets
digested without flaw a gift...
It is everyday that I am fully aware of His wonderful Love for